This week has been very low key ... we are in a routine that I would hope we continue at home. We wake, have a pleasant breakfast, read the e-version of NYTimes or International Herald Tribune (iPad), walk in the morning to discuss world issues (Egypt has been this week's topic!), return for a warm lunch (lots of roasted brussel sprouts this week), take a short nap (love my naps), read/work/talk, make a phone call or answer emails, prepare
Abendsbrot, watch Jon Stewart (show from the night before) and then head to bed to read our books. My work for this trip has been a box of letters from my Uncle Randy to my Nana starting in 1968.
Box of letters - cost over $50 to ship them to Germany |
I began reading these letters in November and tried to take notes on them as I read them... which caused me to avoid reading more than about 10 of them. In the middle of January, Peter began to hint that I needed to get back to the letters. I resisted because I just didn't want to keep taking notes. He suggested that I should just read them like a novel. So - this week, I picked them up and began to do just that. I can't put them down. There is much to say about what he has written - but for now, suffice it to say, I am reading them.
Uncle Randy was hired Mr. Sherman at Louis G. Sherman Wholesale Decorator Furniture in 1953. At the time the letters begin, Mr. Sherman is dead and Uncle Randy and Homer Moore run/own the business and are taking care of Mrs. Sherman. "Madame: (as they call her) is ever so friendly, if slightly forgetful. Located in Santa Monica, California - Louis G. Sherman was one of "the" places for the rich and famous to purchase their furniture and have their decorating needs met. |